Tuesday 1 December 2015

Task 3a- Current Networks

Hello Everyone,

So after the skype session, I found a definition on what Professional Networking means-

‘Networking is a deliberate activity to build, reinforce and maintain relationships of trust with other people to further your goals. Professional networking is simply networking focused on professional goals’ (Hennigan, 2015).

In-cooperating this definition and our skype session, I realised that the only professional networking tools I use are Facebook and face to face interactions. As mentioned in previous blogs, I am not the most tech savvy person, so I can only use this as a reason for not being more intoned with my online professional networking. This I believe, has postponed my professional development already. We are as a world ever growing with our connections. The internet and web 2.0 are the ones we have to thank for that. The internet is a key tool in keeping up with professional networks, not only that but to use it as your own self advertisement.

In the aim of looking to advance my professional networking online, I have been looking at a lot of different tools of networking online. I found out there are many options to further your professional network. One tool being LinkedIn. I have heard of this tool before but I’ve never really known what it’s about or what it’s used for. But after reading and talking to a few colleagues about it I feel like this would be an improvement to my career if I were to create one.  What I also need to work on is using Facebook to its full capacity. At the moment I only have a social networking profile, but I believe I could use Facebook to represent my professional self as well. There are so many opportunities to build your networks online, that I think you just have to get started and stop worrying if it’s the right one for you, because how will you find out that answer until you try one.

Linking back to the skype session, Sophie mentioned that a professional relationship can become a personal one as well. You become friends with your work colleagues by being able to relate to them on subjects, experiences etc. this connection could open up opportunities for you in your work place. One of the vital fundamentals in relationships is trust, and in a workplace especially. Your colleagues that you have, trust you, and essentially your skills in your profession. This is why it is good to have networks with the people that you can talk to face to face, because you don’t know what opportunities each person brings to the table. You must represent yourself as your best self.

It would be good to hear if anyone else is on LinkedIn? And if they have any suggestions/experiences on it they would like to share.

Thanks again for reading.

Cassie V.


Hennigan, A. (2015, November 26). What is the definition of professional networking? Retrieved from Quora: https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-definition-of-professional-networking

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