Friday 27 November 2015

Skype Session 18th of November- Module 1 Part 3

Hello Everyone,

Last Wednesday we had our first skype session on Module 1 Part 3. Before this skype session we were all asked to read the Reader 3 about ‘The Networked Professional’. I found the section about ‘Affiliation’ by Crisp and J & Turner the most interesting part for me. Before the skype session I created a mind map reflecting some of my thoughts/queries about this theory. Unfortunately its not allowing me to upload my mind map from word. So I have put my questions into a list.

What is the reason behind professional relationships?

Is it genuine or an advancing method in your professional career?

How do you know when its genuine or fake?

How do people keep track of all their relationships?

How often would you need to stay in contact to keep track of the relationship?

I opened up the conversation with some these queries to the group, and as we discussed each point, I found out how important it is to keep in contact with everyone that you meet through your professional career. Everyone that you meet is a possible influential person in your career, so it’s always good to keep track of them. As Kayleigh stated in the skype session which I have really taken on board is ‘Put back into the network what, you get out of it’. From discussing the above questions, I have realised that I need to start keeping better contact with everyone.

Everyone came to this session with different topics based off the Reader 3, but in my opinion they all seemed to interlink with each other. I found everyone’s points very interesting but I found some of the points that Sophie brought up very thought provoking. Sophie answered the questioned of- What is a professional network? Her answer being that our professional network can materialise into a personal one as well. We discussed how this could be a possibility and how you could look at the professional network being a team, a unit and or a machine. All working together to get the job done. This team work creates trust and from trust creates companionship, so I completely agree with Sophie. You can’t be a piece of metal in the works, you become someone that is a part of the work place community. This is mentioned in the ‘affiliation’ section, it creates the opinion that it is a human need for us to interact with other people in the work place.

These two points also leads to the next point that was brought up by Sophie. Sophie had researched about the ‘6 degrees of Separation’ theory created by Stanley Milgram. This is a theory based on that everyone is connected to each other in the world in 6 people or less. This only emphasises the fact that you must keep in contact with everyone and be at your best at all times, because you don’t know, who knows who.

I learnt so much from this skype session and it was so good to speak to everyone and realise that we all have some of the same points and interests from the Reader 3. I can’t wait to do some more research into the rest of the parts of the reader 3.

Please comment below if you have any questions or opinions would love to hear from you!

Thanks for reading.

Cassie V.

Sunday 22 November 2015

Task 2c - Reflective Theory Task

Reflection is used in every profession and social interaction.  It is a way of evaluating and improving one’s self in different areas of work, play and interpersonal relationships. The meaning of reflection is ‘careful or long consideration or thought’ (Collins, 2015). However this description doesn’t explain how we reflect more intricately, this is the difference between reflection and reflective practice. Although we may not be aware, we learn the application of reflection from as early as primary school such as reflecting on how you can better time manage yourself, in school/college we have parent teacher meetings to provide feedback of our work and personal efforts and attitudes. However when we leave the formal educational system and enter the professional and business communities, we only have ourselves to apply ‘self-reflection’.

Reflective practice can be described asa process by which you: stop and think about your practice, consciously analyses your decision making and draw on theory and relate it to what you do in practice. Critical analysis and evaluation refocuses your thinking on your existing knowledge and helps generate new knowledge and ideas. As a result, you may modify your actions, behavior, treatments and learning needs’. (CSP, 2015) This definition describes exactly what the Reader 2’s practioners are promoting (postulating). They have all taken this definition and applied different methods to achieve this outcome. One such practioner is Dr. John Dewey. He theorized that, to achieve reflective thought, you had to experience situations at different levels but ‘……experience alone, however, even educative ones, are not enough…….,. What is critical is the ability to perceive and then weave meaning among the threads of experience’ (Rodgers, 2002).

As an educator and practitioner in the arts and academics I agree with his theory. Experience of the teacher is key into learning, whether that be in a classroom environment or dance studio. Without the experience to hold your thoughts against how can you reflect without that grounded fact that took place, and furthermore, without the experience and without the opportunity of reflection, how can you advance yourself professionally? Every day, I am learning and experiencing what works best to make sure that the children I teach are learning to their full capability. In this regard I am finding reflective journals very helpful, they allow me to ‘voice’ my ideas and plan for future classes based on the experience I have had, both negative and positive. Because of this practice I have experienced day to day improvements in my teaching style and positive reactions from my students. . For example, over the past couple weeks I have experienced that every child has a different learning style whether that be visual, kinesthetic, auditory etc. - In understanding this I have found Howard Gardner’s theory of different learning very informative. Howard Gardner theory focuses on multiple intelligences, and these can be grouped into certain sections, some are suggested above. The Multiple Intelligences concepts and VAK (or VARK or VACT) learning styles models offer relatively simple and accessible methods to understand and explain people's preferred ways to learn and develop’ (1983 & 2003-2014, 2015). I have been self-reflecting in the way I carry out activities, explaining it in different ways to align with each child's learning style.  Sometimes I get the students to copy what I am doing, or get them to listen or show them a visual tool that I may have. While applying these different techniques I am also applying the technique of ‘reflect-in-action’ where you have to assess and change plans as situations develop. I am comfortable with this type of reflecting which is a fundamental skill used as a professional dancer. We all know that during a performance there are possibilities of things going wrong, you have to be ready to reflect-in-action, to make sure that you carry out the performance professionally and safely. I think this technique of reflecting also relates to where I think I fit in Kolb’s learning cycle.

Kolb’s learning cycle is constructed of four different stages that you can enter at. ‘Some people start to learn when they are involved in a concrete experience, (doing something), some people can do something but start to learn about it when they are watching the people around them doing it (Reflective observation), some people need to ‘work it out in their head first’ (Abstract conceptualization), some people start to learn when they start trying out ideas (active experimentation)’ (Akinleye, 2015). Below is a diagram of Kolb’s learning cycle-

 Figure 1- (McLeod, 2015)

 Kolb’s learning cycle is a unique method to reflect on an experience but also a fantastic model to help you understand your style of learning. For example I would consider that I most likely fit into the ‘Concrete Experience and Abstract Conceptualization’ stage of his cycle, because I learn the most when I first make a tentative plan in my head and then try it out,. This theory of learning by doing, also links back to Howard Gardner’s theory of different learners. In Gardner’s eyes, I am a Kinesthetic and visual learner, both have similarities however, the difference being one is for reflection and the other for in-learning experiences. In my profession both of Kolb’s reflective cycle stages are very accurate and ones that I consciously employ as reflective strategies. Within a group it is inevitable that there will be a variety of challenges especially with young children, you must be able to reflect on the spot, to resolve, make better and or adapt as to keep the interest focused and absorbing.

As mentioned in my earlier posts I am finding that the method of reflecting through writing is very therapeutic, however that I also felt that I wasn’t accurately recording the raw intensity of my emotions. To help augment my lack of descriptive (I am not a poet)  writing skills to capture my emotions I looked at Jennifer Moons theory about tacit knowledge, and how you can reflect in different ways to accommodate what works best for you. I looked at making lists of the emotions I felt on my work days. Using this as a base I also included visual images, to help represent my reflection of the day. I am finding this more helpful as I can now see from the photos exactly what I was feeling because in the photos I choose, I pick the specific ones that stands out to me to represent that emotion. They remain sharper and fresher than simple words can convey. Without this understanding and application of Moons theory, I wouldn’t have been able to achieve this simply but powerful reflection of my emotions.

After reading the ‘Reader 2’ and completed some of my own research into the area of reflection, I now understand that there are so many different ways of reflecting and how to represent those reflections. Even though we only have this section of work for a few short weeks, I will be continuing my journal and exploring the different ways that work best for me to represent my reflections. I hope by the end of the course, I will be able to see a humongous difference between my first and last journal. It will be interesting to see if my thought tracking has changed and if the representing of the reflections are similar or different.

1983, M. I., & 2003-2014, r. a. (2015, November 22). howard gardner's multiple intelligences . Retrieved from
Akinleye, A. (2015). Refelctive Practise. Reader 2, 5.
Brightside. (2015, November 14). What is refelctive practise? Retrieved from Brightside, Bright Knowledge:
Collins. (2015, November 14). Collins. Retrieved from Reflection:
CSP. (2015, November 14). What is refelctive practise and how do i do it? Retrieved from Chartered Society of Physiotherapy:
McLeod, S. (2015, November 16). Kolb-Learning Cycles. Retrieved from Simply Psychology:

Rodgers, C. (2002). Teacher College Record. Defining Reflection: Another look at John Dewey and Reflective Thinking, 848.

Thursday 12 November 2015

Task 2b- Journal Writing Experience Part 2

Hello again,

As stated in my previous blog, I mentioned how I wasn’t very accustomed to writing a journal/reflection, and how I find it was getting easier but preferred to use visual imagery and linguistic methods combined to have a deeper reflection into my day. While reading other students blogs, I found a really interesting way of how to reflect on Sophie Donald’s blog. She suggested that mind maps worked for her best as she could reflect back to them easier. I really liked this idea as this is something I have been struggling with. Trying to refer back in my journal. I find that my points are getting lost in a thousand words. So taking Sophie’s choice of reflection, I tried a mind map, to reflect on my day. I found that this was a great tactic for me to reflect. I love that all the key points of your day are noted down but still easily available to pick out from. I will definitely be including more of these in my journal. Thank you Sophie Donald!

Thanks for reading.

Cassie V.

Task 2b- Journal Writing Experience

Journals. Journals. Journals.

The word journals immediately brings to mind personal diaries and writing about how you feel throughout, on a day to day basis. When I was younger I always dreamed about keeping a journal, and made the attempt on several occasions, however I was never able to keep a consistent flow of when I would write and the subject matter that held my interest.  I suppose there are several differences at this point of time. When you are younger you have time to explore and discover new things about the world on a daily basis but lack the focus and maturity to reflect properly on an event that occurred during the day. I make this statement now because, surprisingly even to myself, I find writing quite therapeutic. I like be able to write about the events of the day, why I responded to a situation in a certain way and how I feel about those actions now that I have had time to consider the experience.  It’s like having a conversation with your past and present self.  While writing provides me with a new sense of calm it remains a challenge for me to adequately express my emotions through this medium. Instead or perhaps in addition, I learn and reflect better, when I use visual materials. I find photos work best, as they seem to describe exactly how I feel in any given situations. But more importantly, it leaves the window of interpretation open to everyone. I may find one picture to represent stress, but someone may find that picture to represent sadness. In my opinion I feel that if you show someone a picture at the exact moment they are feeling a certain emotion, they will discover that emotion in the picture. I decided to list my emotions that I felt during the day as series of visual images.
As a test case, I decided to reflect my day in both writing and through the use of emotive images.  I found these images a few hours after my work day had finished and used them to capture my daily experiences. I wanted to discover if the list of images would have the same effect as my writing did, in my reflection. Also I wanted to see if the feelings that I experienced strengthened or weakened.  Below are the pictures- 


(Roar, 2015)


(Marketing, 2015)


(Arizechi, 2015)


(Morgan, 2015)


(Anonymous, 2015)

Relief and Solution

(Self taken Photo)

After a few hours had passed, I then wrote about my experiences of the day. I found that my recollection of the day’s events and my reactions and emotions had weakened somewhat. The feelings were still there but no longer had the raw intensity I had first experienced. It was only after I referred back to images that I realized the strength of these emotions in a visual representation, but also showed me the different types of reflection I achieve through the method of writing. I find that when I write my reflection it lacks the strength of my emotions at the time and I feel that using images captures my emotions, but using both methods together allows me to get a more accurate reflection of my day.
Before starting my journal I decided to look more into the different ways we learn, focusing on Howard Gardner’s theory. I am now, after this experience, questioning if the way we learn (our strengths) is also the way we reflect? Also if we can reflect in the same way, does it differ which learning method we use?
After using two reflective methods, imagery and linguistic, I find that using different ways brings new light to the particular event you are reflecting on. From reflecting on this event, I have now found that instead of interpreting help as someone pointing out a weakness, it is actually an opportunity to learn and better my skills. I now find that I am more willing to accept help if I ever need it. Through my reflections I have realised that when I come to a situation I don’t need to become stressed, because if you step back for two seconds you will regain a sense of calm and control. Without doing both methods of reflection I wouldn’t have found some of the solutions I have. I learn every day in my job, and being able to take a step back and reflect on what I can improve on not only helps me but it also helps the advancement of the children’s learning.

Thanks again reading.

Cassie V.


Anonymous. (2015, November 9). Anxiety & Academia. Retrieved from Dr Nadine Muller:
Arizechi, A. (2015, November 9). The Power Series…The Power of Determination; Mrs Bolaji Adedotun’s Story. Retrieved from Konnect Africa:
Marketing, C. C. (2015, November 9). Energy Deregulation. Retrieved from IControlEnergy:
Morgan, J. (2015, November 9). The Business Problems With Social Media ROI. Retrieved from The Future Organisation:
Roar, D. (2015, November 9). Weight of Responsibility. Retrieved from Deviant Art:

Sunday 8 November 2015

Task 1C- ''Starting out on the BAPP course''

Hi Everyone,

Below is a link to my YouTube Video about starting out on the BAPP course describing how I felt and what my aspirations are for this course. This was the first time I have ever uploaded anything onto YouTube. I found this quite easy to do and the speed of uploading is quite fast. I feel that as I am overseas and can’t attend many auditions, as there aren’t many taking place in Dubai, it could possibly be a good idea to upload some of my past dances, to represent myself as a performer. Also it is easier to send a YouTube link rather than a file to a possible employer.

Here is my link to my video-

I found this way of communicating information really easy. It could be an option for me to try to use for my reflections for my work day if I don’t have enough time to write things down.

I hope you like the video!

Thanks for reading.

Cassie Vercoe